
Skin-ta-mint is a personally run blog that advocates a pro-anorexia and pro-ednos lifestyle. Note, anorexia is not a DIET, not a on again off again streamline function, but a real mental disease and way of thinking and living. This site is here simply to provide both visitors and the author a comfort haven for their choice and life and how to progress from where they are.

This blog was created on May the 28th of 2014. The author is a long sufferer of a EDNOS, meaning simply that she is not skinny enough to be categorized into anorexia but she suffers from the restriction, binging, and purging habits of the definition of anorexia.

This blogs serves as a learning tool for the author. In no way is this blog advocating the development of anorexia for innocent bi-standards. The truth and fact remains, YOU DECIDED TO COME TO THIS WEBSITE OF YOUR OWN FREE WILL, and we will be not responsible for triggers or the starting of a ED.

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